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Midnight Light

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I feel good!! :)

Har inte vaknat upp och känt mig såhär light-hearted (perfekt ord för att beskriva känslan) på evigheter. Som att allt verkligen kommer ordna sig till det bästa, som att jag för första gången på länge är påväg vidare från mycket av det som känns betyngande istället för att bara stå kvar och stampa. Skön känsla. Såg även att det snöar ute, medans alla andra antagligen bara suckar ser jag det som ett tecken på tur.

Ikväll kör vi all in! Har inte varit ute och dansat på... well, för länge! Börjar med en pre-thing hemma hos Jensan <3

Happy saturday!

Whiskey makes me fris...

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Den här och resten av soundtracket till Drive

On repeat right now

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I sing the National Anthem
While I'm standing over your body
Hold you like a python
And you can't keep your hands off me
Or your pants on
See what you've done to me
King of Chevron

Wining and dining, Dr...

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Boy, you have landed,...

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Något jag har stört mig på den senaste tiden (förutom när folk använder ordet "dem" fel! *rysningar*) är när tjejer uttrycker att att de inte står ut med att socialisera med andra tjejer, att de flesta av dem är avundsjuka, omogna, drama-stirring bitches, yadda yadda yadda.... Give me a break! Kanske dags att rannsaka sitt eget osäkra/arroganta beteende, droppa sina divalater och istället skaffa sig lite jävla självinsikt? För newsflash, går man runt med en slags översittar-mentalitet och med åsikten att det är alla andra det är fel på (i det här fallet 50% av jordens befolkning) så är det oftast inte alla andra det verkligen är fel på. Det är du som är en otrevlig människa, i behov av en reality check.

Just saying.

Women who hate women

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Haha, awesome song! ;)

*Utmattad men glad moster*
. Gick upp vid 6 imorse för att åka till Strängnäs och vara barnvakt åt Bells.

När man är ensam att ta hand om lilla solstrålen får man verkligen en liten inblick i hur livet som småbarnsförälder är. Hon är adorable mestadels av tiden, men jag är glad över att jag endast är moster och inte mamma, cause it's fucking hard work too! Babyblöjor, babykräk, babyflaskor. Glad baby, ledsen baby, arg baby, baby som måste rapa, baby som har ont i magen. Ingen beundrar min kära syster mer än jag just nu.

Själv är jag fortfarande djupt inne i den "spontana, egotrippade, leva livet, göra vad jag vill när jag vill, gå ut och ha roligt, hångla upp ett random fem i tre-ragg på dansgolvet-fasen", kommer nog stanna där några år till xD

I'm a bad babysitter,...

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- I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?
- I think you can in Europe.
(10 things I hate about you)


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Den berömda videon som tydligen har blivit age-restricted på youtube. Så löjligt och synd eftersom den är förjäkla awesome. Gav mig flashbacks till Madonnas Erotica-era. Hennes hittills mest intressanta period om ni frågar mig.

Detta är kanske inte riktigt lika groundbreaking, men vafan, det är Madonna, hon är fierce vad hon än gör.

Good girls don't misb...

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Dagens citat:

"Jag orkar inte att man ska gå omkring och lägga band på sig själv och hålla käft om vad som pågår i ens liv bara för att något företag eller framtida arbetsgivare eventuellt kan tycka att det är ”avskräckande”. Människor är sådana: vi mår dåligt ibland och bra ibland, vi har dagar där allt bara känns skit och man vill lägga sig under en filt och dö. Men allt detta ska tryckas bort och skambeläggas och det är inte bara dåligmåendet som är belagt med skam utan även själva det faktum att du talar om det, det faktum att du inte skäms över det ska också föranleda skam."
- Fanny

Hanapee skrev även ett läsvärt inlägg om ämnet

I've never been the q...

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I enjoy bold surveys, mostly ‘cause I have no life.
It’s night right now.
There’s something else you should be doing at the moment.
You ate chicken today.
You are lactose intolerant.
There’s a nearby TV on.
You get along with your neighbors.
Twilight is a horrible series. - Haha! xD
You’re hungry right now.
Running a mile sounds awful.
You love to bake Christmas cookies.
You woke up before 8 this morning.
Baths are better than showers.
You are 5’5” or shorter.
You hate British accents.
Cats are better than dogs.
The 90’s sucked.
Your cell phone is right next to you.
Your favorite color is either blue or purple.
Your hair is short.
You are by yourself right now.
The last thing you drank was water.
You’re in your PJ’s right now.  - äger ingen
Your hair color is natural. - halvt, jag är blond naturligt, men har en ljusare ton
You don’t drink soda. - well, cola zero, men det är sällan
There’s at least 20$ in your wallet. -Jag har typ aldrig lösa pengar, använder alltid kort
It’s cold out. - allt är relativt
Orange juice is better than apple juice.
Video games are awesome.
Your sheets are white.
You have read works by Shakespeare before.
You’ve been professionally diagnosed with a psychological disorder. - Haha!
You know someone in the hospital right now.
You’ve showered today.
You know someone who has beaten cancer.
Sneakers are your favorite shoes to wear.
Chocolate is better than vanilla.
You’re allergic to peanuts.
You’ve never been to New York.
You’ve never been on a varsity sports team.
You want to go to Europe. - I live here, wiihoo xD
You’re using a laptop right now.
Plastic surgery is a good idea.
Vanilla is the best scent a girl can wear.
You’ve made yourself throw up.
Your friends do drugs.
Your nails have nail polish on them right now.
You’re Italian.
You have a tan right now. - fake, men ändå
There are socks on your feet right now.
You’ve used a hair straightener.
Shopping online is easier than shopping in an actual store.
Cheesecake is delicious.
You have gotten your hair cut in the past month.
Your birthday is within the next 2 months.
You are fluent in more than one language.
You consider yourself a picky eater. - right now, yes
You have more than 3 pillows on your bed.
You live with your parents.
You are a high school graduate.
You were born before April 5th, 1991.
You have brown hair.
You have blue eyes.
Your last name is longer than 5 letters long.
You are in a relationship.
You are can count to 20 in another language.
You have studied a foreign language. - Franska, Spanska, Engelska
You voted in the 2008 presidential election.
You own a vehicle that is older than a 2004.
You have worked in a fast food restaurant.
You drove somewhere that was further than a half hour away today.
You live in New Jersey.
You live in Montana.
You live in Pennsylvania.
Your last name begins with an ‘M’.
Your middle name begins with a ‘C’.
Your first name begins with an ‘S’.
You are older than 19.
You are younger than 16.
You are an only child.
Your parents are divorced.
You have more than one sibling.

You are an Aquarius.
You are a vegetarian.
You are in the military.
You have a relative in the military.
You have been to Canada.
You have been to Mexico.
You have been to Europe.
You are currently enrolled in college/university.
You have done something you told yourself you wouldn’t.
You have braces.
You wear contact lenses.
You have a tattoo on your ankle.
You have a tattoo on your wrist.
You have a tattoo on your lower back.
You have a tattoo on your upper arm.
You have a lip piercing.
You have a tongue piercing.
You have your nipples pierced.
You have your cartilage pierced.
You have curly hair.
You are an aunt or uncle.
You have been out to eat at a sit-down restaurant in the last week.
You have been drunk in the past 24 hours.
You have lost your virginity before you turned 15.
You are bisexual.
You watch Scrubs.
You watch Jon & Kate Plus 8. - haha, ibland
You watch American Idol.
You have been to the movies within the last month.
You have cursed in front of your grandparents.
You had a lunch box with a cartoon character on it when you were little.
You actually pay attention to politics.
You are still waiting for your first kiss.
You have kissed someone within the last week.
You have kissed someone this year.
You would kiss the last person you kissed again. - Hahaha, hm...maybe
You have paid more than $100 on one item of clothing.
You are a good speller.
You are always on time.
You believe in karma.
You have done something illegal within the last 24 hours.
You have thrown up within the last 6 months. - Vinterkräksjukan! :-S
You have spent the night at someone else’s house within the last 2 weeks.
You have been out of the country within the last year.
You love Chinese food.
You love Italian food.
You love Mexican food.
You love Greek food.
You love country music.
You love rap.
You love hip hop.
You love industrial rock.
You love hard rock.
You love metal.
You love classic rock.
You love bluegrass.
You love oldies.
You love techno.
You love instrumental music.
You have taken pictures of yourself just because you were bored.
You know someone younger than 10 who passed away.
You have been in a car wreck.
You have had stitches.
You have a parent who is a teacher.
You have dated someone who was 2 years younger than you.
You have dated someone who was 2 years older than you.
You are Catholic.
You are Mormon.
You are Buddhist.
You are Agnostic.
You wish at 11:11.
You have had your heart broken.
You broke someone else’s heart. - I hope not
You felt bad about it.
You have done something just for the fact that you were old enough to.
You have been to a cemetary at midnight.
You have been a vampire for Halloween.
You have been a witch for Halloween.
You have been a pumpkin for Halloween.
You have stayed up for 48 hours straight.
You have been to Walmart within the last 3 days.
You are missing someone right now.
You have been let down recently.
You have had someone you thought you could trust betray you.
You would rather have a one-night stand than a relationship.
You would rather win $500 from the lottery, than guest on a game show.
You have met someone famous.
A Walk to Remember is my favorite movie of all time.
I wear black more than any other color, but I am not gothic.
I genuinely care for my friends.
I don't trust people easily, thanks to past experiences.
Romance novels fascinate me.
I am female.
I do not wear glasses, but I probably should.
I have never seen the movie "Phantom of the Opera".
I did not attend preschool as a child.
I have an older brother.
I am too organized.
My shoulders are always hot, but my feet are always cold.
This is not the first survey I have ever taken.
I am interested in taking psychology classes.
Easter used to be my favorite holiday.
My lips are chapped at this moment.
I was afraid of the monster under my bed as a child.
My birthday is in February.
I have never left this country.
The word "fluffy" makes me laugh.
I have cried within the last 24 hours.
My fingertips are freezing cold.
I have already eaten dinner.
Normally I don't eat breakfast. I think I should start.
I will never smoke cigarettes.
I will never do drugs.
I really don't like country music.
I have a cat.
I love Sushi
I always look at peoples away messages.
I play the acoustic guitar, and I love it.
I have only been to 2 concerts before in my life.
I used to want to be a vegetarian.
I think men are sexy. -Hell yeah!
I get along better with guys. - women are for friendship, men are for fucking
I used to like Pokemon.
I am mostly French heritage.
I believe in God and have faith in Him.
Lip rings are arousing. - :-S NO!
I get excited about getting new underwear.
I need a boost in my self-esteem.
I love receiving mail and e-mail. - sure
I can't sleep on my back.
I hate public bathrooms. - with fiery passion!
I listen to my parent(s); it's just that sometimes I really don't care. - ok that sounded bad
I laugh when I watch old home videos
I used to be obsessed with the Spice Girls.
I once started a fire in my microwave.
I wish on Tootsie Roll Pop wrappers.
I often fake my happiness for the benefit of others. - Not often, but sometimes
I keep a diary online and a diary on paper.
I love reading.
I don't like getting my picture taken.
The OC is my favorite TV show ever.
I am in the mood to take a shower.
I feel like crying when I look at old pictures.
I have a very busy day tomorrow.
I am in the mood to kiss somebody. Anybody. - Not anybody! just... someone
I might be in love with my best friend.
I have now officially watched all three High School Musical movies.
I don't think Zac Efron is all that hot, honestly.
I don't even like one single song from any of the three movies.
I've been involved in a school musical before.
I can't sing to save my life.
dancing is even worse. - haha!
I know a guy who is almost never seen without a hat/cap/fedora/etc.
I hate movie musicals.
I hate Disney movies.
I'm in a band.
I pretty much live in my earphones/headphones.
My ringtone is a song from my favourite artist/band.
I got my very first cell phone before I even turned 13.
I'd rather watch a horror movie than a romantic comedy.
Animated films still amuse me.
I've noticed that nobody makes cartoons the old-fashioned way anymore, it's all CGI.
I wonder if the orchestra players really pay attention to the conductor.
I've been extremely annoyed at someone in the past 24 hours.
I don't get irritated easily.
I wear a ring on my pinky finger.
There's at least one teddy bear in the room that I'm in now.
I just yawned.
I sneeze at least three times in a row.
I have the biggest eyes in my family.
I wouldn't even know it if I were standing right next to a Jonas Brother.
The last person I texted is blood-related to me in some way.
I know someone who knows someone famous.
I'm registered to an official fanclub.
I hate it when Youtube videos take forever to buffer.
I hate it even more when the title says one thing but the video is another thing altogether!
I want Brad and Angelina to adopt me too! -haha! hm... nah
I have my own personal blog.
Victoria's Secret models are hot.
I listen to Christian music.
I'm listening to my favourite song right now!
I'm going to bed within the next 3 hours.
I can't even remember the last time I did a chore.
I can't stand girls who claim that they will marry their celebrity heartthrob. -haha!
I must have everything in my favourite colour!
One of my favorite discussion topics is guys - duh! xD
I like guys with facial hair
I like clean shaven guys
I've been married
I've been divorced
I've wanted to marry a guy-friend before
My favorite Color on guys is white
My Favorite Color on guys is black

It's creepy when some guys wear pink
I like guys with blonde hair
I like guys with black hair
I like guys with brown hair
I like guys with red hair

Tall, dark, handsome with dark brown eyes! - Hell yeah!
I've been given flowers for Valentines Day
My favorite part about guys is how funny they are
I've said, "Why can't they invent something besides guys to marry?"
I've kicked a guy where it hurts before
I've been in love.
I've eaten alone with a guy before
I've been on a date

I like Christian guys
I'm glad this survey is almost over.
I dont care about religion when it comes to guys
I have called a guy handsome/hot before
I can't look at a hot guy and not think about sex - Ho ho ;)
I don't like guys who drink
I don't like guys who smoke - Been there, done that
I don't like guys who sleep around
I like good moral guys
I like guys who know how to work, but don't become workaholics
I like guys who believe in waiting for marriage for sex
I've almost crashed my car because I saw a cute guy
A guy has given me flowers before
A guy has kissed me in the last week
A guy has hugged me in the last week
I've tripped checking out a cute guy
I've bought a movie/book just because the guy in it was cute
I love it when guys go shirtless
I know a guy who has gotten a girl pregnant - Omg, scandal xD
I've been to guys house
I've taken a picture of a guy I like in the last three months
Guys look like angels when they sleep - haha! suuuure ;)
I've been asked for my phone number by a guy before

Bold what’s true

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Hell yeah!

Haha, det är i sådana här roller man vill se honom, oh yes


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Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn
It was like, James Dean, for sure
You're so fresh to death & sick as ca-cancer
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop
But you fit me better than my favourite sweater, and I know
That love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in december

Blue jeans, white shi...

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Från igår och idag :)


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Stort grattis till en av mina äldsta och bästa vänner, (she's sweet, she's lovely, she's bad for your teeth ;D) min finaste gosiga lilla kissekatt som fyller 24 idag! Du har funnits där sedan vi var 10 år och jag hoppas att du kommer att fortsätta finnas där jämt!

Love you forever <3

In ten years time we ...

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God morning saturday! :)
Blev kallad stark häromdagen för att jag orkar hålla på med LCHF som jag gör, just nu finns det faktisk inga alternativ i min hjärna. Det kan säkert vara svårt för vissa att fatta men när jag inte skippar sockret så mår jag verkligen skit! Low carb håller mig balanserad (well, allt är relativt, men ni fattar xD). Ibland känns det inte som om folk verkligen förstår varför jag verkligen måste hålla mig inom ramarna, "Vadå du kan väl ta en kaka", "vadå, ät bara lite pasta", eller, "en macka skadar väl aldrig". Frågan är varför vissa blir provocerade av det faktum att jag avstår när jag inte mår bra av det. Tror inte samma personer skulle uppmuntra en alkis men orden vadå, en shot skadar väl inte. I min värld existerar inte fusk, i min värld är det allt eller inget och pga detta har jag inte ätit ris/pasta/potatis på snart 4 månader. Detta har inte gjort mig olycklig överhuvudtaget, tvärtom. Inte sagt att det inte fortfarande är jobbigt ibland, men jag gör det bästa av situationen.
Blev kallad stark häromdagen för att jag orkar hålla på med LCHF som jag gör. Just nu finns det faktisk inga alternativ i min hjärna, när jag inte skippar sockret så mår jag skit! Low carb high fat håller mig balanserad (well, allt är relativt, men ni fattar xD). Ibland känns det som om folk står oförstående inför det faktum att jag verkligen måste hålla mig inom ramarna, de uppfattar mig antagligen som rigid, "Vadå du kan väl ta en kaka", "vadå, ät bara lite pasta", eller, "en macka skadar väl aldrig". Jo, det skadar mig i längden. Frågan är varför vissa blir provocerade av det faktum att jag avstår när jag inte mår bra av det. Tror inte samma personer skulle uppmuntra en alkis men orden "vadå, en shot skadar väl inte, kom igen nu". I min värld är det just nu allt eller inget och pga detta har jag inte ätit ris/pasta/potatis/godis osv på snart 4 månader. Detta har inte gjort mig olycklig överhuvudtaget, tvärtom. Inte sagt att jag är perfekt eller att lchf är någon slags universallösning, ibland är det djävulskt jobbigt, (är inte mer än människa) men jag försöker göra det bästa av situationen.

Ska över till Jen ikväll för att lära henne allt jag kan, haha. Är varken någon expert eller extremist, men tänkte att hon kunde få låna några kokböcker om hon är nyfiken. Har provat på att laga ganska mycket från den här boken...

Nu måste jag dock hoppa in i duschen, Mia och Bells kommer hit om en stund, family time!

Trevlig lördag alla <3

Little miss low carb